Friday, October 23, 2009

New Updates!

Yay! New updates! When someone sends you something, you can know what is being sent to you! Yay! It's kinda cool too!

1. For messages which are being typed to you: it shows the normal yellow envelope.

2. If someone wants to be your friend: it shows a blue and orange chobot hugging each other, where the blue one is waving.

3. If you are being invited somewhere else by your friend: it shows a white envelope with a green spot on the top right corner.

4. This is probably what nobody knows about, if you recieve an item from a chobot mission or from a rain: it shows a yellow parcel!

Hope you liked the info!

1 comment:

  1. I love my blog, and I hope u love it too! Don't u love teh updates? I can't wait for the robots!
